
Friday, November 1, 2019

How Does Rubicunds Amazing Color Used to Describe People Now

Face Visage Rudy

Rubicund of visage is something that is reddish in color and has a 

healthy appearance.  Ruddy skin is something that is reddish and 

has the color of red hair or tomatoes. A persons cheeks on a cold 

winter day can be ruddy in color. This word is usually used to 

describe someones complexion of their skin. It says that the person 

has a healthy reddish glow.

Florid complexion the meaning of this word is people or a person 

who has a flushed complexion.  Roseate get the pink color that 

they have form coloration of foods that they eat. Crustaceans and 

other vertebrates that live in the water have pigments called 

carotenoids in there bodies to help the feathers that they have 

remain or turn the color pink.

Pink is generally accepted as a color for girls. Flushed the things 

that causes this to occur in someones body is that the blood vessels 

that are below the skin fill and widen with more blood in them. 

This can also occur in people when it is too hot outside, with an 

emotional response or when exercising.  Taking certain 

medications or drinking alchohol can cause flushed appearances.

Blushing the cause of it is from a person being stressed or 

embarrassed. Some peoples cheeks on their face turn this color 

because the sympathetic nervous system of the body causes this 

occurrence in the body. The complex nerves of fight or flight occur.



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