
Saturday, October 5, 2019

What Are the Diseases Sheep Can Get?

What are some of the diseases that sheep can get?

Some of the diseases that sheep can get that can become infectious are selenium deficiency, tetanus, black disease, and malignant odema.

Are there sheep vidoe on line at YouTube?

There are sheep and ewe videos online on YouTube for people to see and look at. 

Are there Ewe videos online at YouTube?

Yes there are Ewe videos online at YouTube.

Will a shepherd herding sheep lay down there life for the sheep?

A good person who is shepherding sheep will lay down his own life for the sheep. The person who is a hired hand and is not the person who is a shepherd doesn't own the sheep and he will see a wolf coming and leave the sheep and go away. The wolf will then get the sheep and cause all the sheep to scatter.

Can you still throw sheep on Facebook?

You can still throw sheep on Facebook, the only thing you have to do is go on a friend's profile and click down to the arrow settings just below the right side of the settings of cover photo.

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